Full Name-Gary Wayne Vernon Jr.
Birthday-July 10th,1970
Education-Olentangy Highschool graduate
Current Residence-Tennessee
Martial Status-Married Tara on May 15th,1999
Children-Brittany Kay Vernon (born on 8-26-00),Brooklyn Leigh Vernon(born on 3-21-04)
Pets-Sargent-Chocolate Labrador retriever
Weight-195 pounds
Hair Color-Blonde
Eye Color-Blue
Never Leaves home without-his wedding ring
Hobbies-Hunting and Fishing with my brother & watching Saturday morning Hunting shows on TNN
Instruments played-Acoustic Guitar
Pre-Performance Ritual-Prayer
Favorite Singers-Stevie Wonder,Alabama,Lee Ann Womack,Marty Roybon
Favorite Actors-Gene Hackman,Jack Nicholson,Tom Hanks
Favorite Actress-Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep
Favorite Movie-Hoosiers
Favorite Book-Where The Red Fern Grows
Favorite Food-Donatos Pizza
Least Favorite Food-Avocado
Favorite Snack-Cool Ranch Doritos
Favorite Ice Cream-Dodiva,Cookies&Cream,Ben&Jerry's
Favorite Drink-Diet Mountain Dew
One Thing I cook great-Chicken
Favorite Restaurant-Olive Garden and Antonio's
Favorite Color-black,blue,and 'mossy oak' camoflague
Favorite Shoe-Nike
Favorite Sport-Hunting and Fishing
Favorite Place-At home with my wife and family or in my treehouse or catfish boat with my brother(Kevin)
If I only had $20 left I would spend it on-My wife and children
Pet Peeve-Being late and people worry about things they have no control over
Country Song that best describes my current
romantic status-Amazed by Lonestar