Full Name-Joe Don Rooney
Birthday-September,13th 1975
Birthplace-Baxter Springs,Kansas
Education-Picher High School and 2 years at Northeastern
Oklahoma A&M College
Current Residence- Brentwood,Tennessee
Marital Status- married to Tiffany Fallon (star
of Toby Keith's "Who's Your Daddy" video also known as Playboy Playmate of the Year 2005 (married on April,23 2006)
Family-Parents Windell &Jo Rooney and siblings Robin,Kelly
& Mike
Pets- 2 French Bull Mastiffs named Coco Chanel and Stevie
Ray Vaughn
Weight-180 pounds
Hair color-Blonde-Brown
Eye Color-green
Collection-Score Cards from tons of golf courses!!!!
Never Leaves Home Without-Golf clubs and Guitar Picks
Instruments Played-Electric,Acoustic,mandolin,and bass guitar
Pre-performance ritual-I call my mother
Favorite Singers-Vince Gill,Martina McBride,Diamond Rio
Favortie Actor-Kevin Spacey
Favortie Actress-Jodie Foster
Favorite Movie-Sommerby
Favorite Book-Where The Red Fern Grows
Favorite Food-Cheese Pizza
Least Favorite Food-Lobester Bisque
Favorite Snack-Dried Fruit
Favorite Ice Cream-Butter Pecan
Favorite Desert-Sex In A Pan
Favorite Drink-Water
One thing he cooks great-Ramen Noodles
Favortie Restaurant-Olive Garden and Antonio's
Favorite Color-Emerald Green
Favorite Shoes-Reebok
Favorite Sport-Basketball and Golf (its a tie)
Favorite Place-Ireland(someday I'll visit)
If I only had $20 left I would spend it on-my family
Pet Peeve-Low Volume Music(has to be loud!)
Goals-To stay as exicted as I am now-about my music and
career-for the rest of my life!
Country Song that best describe my current romantic status-I
Want To Be Loved Like That