On February 3rd, 2006, I MET RASCAL FLATTS!!!!!!!! ... the best day of my life... I can now die happy... I get
what I want... I told ppl @ skool I was gonna meet Rascal Flatts... even though I didn't have the passes... It was so torture
going to skool that day... I seriously drove my teachers crazy... especially the one who was going to the concert, too...
(that's just scary)... But after skool was evn bigger torture... I mean I had to go home to an empty house and sit there without
anything but radio (they were broadcasting from the preparty at the Brett Favre Steakhouse) - and they were there!!!!!!!!!!!
When my friends and mother finally showed up 2 1/2 hrs after I got home, I was a wreck... I was going to puke... I was so
excited... We drove through the snowstorm to the venue... and we found Stix (who's actually on my radio talking right now
announcing that RF will be on after commercial break!!!!!!) the kewlest DJ dude evr!!!! He gave us Blake Shelton Backstage
passes (evn though I was head to toe in Rascal Flatts)... I went up to him and was like... May I please have Rascal
Flatts backstage passes???? Please, Please, Please????? And he just was like ... Why?... Come on, Why not? Biggest
fan of RF in the world!!!!!... and he was teasing me- Do you really want them?... yes.... Are you sure you want them... YES!!!!!
... How about I give you Jason Aldean backstage passes?... NO!!!! I WANNA MEET RASCAL FLATTS!!!!... Fine!!!!!.... He handed
us the tickets, and I kissed him and started crying and I hugged him and cried some more... then we had an hour until the
M&G... OMG!!!! The longest hour of my life...
When that hour was finally up... we're waiting in this line... I wanted to write 'Kiss Me Gary' on my shirt, but didn't
have a marker... so I wrote it in lip gloss...
Sit in the stinky room for 15 minutes until they bring them in... I don't think I could talk normally again for a week...
now for my blonde moment... Yes, I'm a blonde - 'THEY'RE NOT ROBOTS!!!!!'- ... Yeah, I knew that... but the friend I was with
went... No, crap....
Then I make eye contact with Gary <3 and he waves and smiles at me... gonna die... I think my heart skipped at least
3 beats...
I <3 Gary... Have I told you that???? I'm absolutely in <3 w/ Gary... I'm so jealous of Tara... and mind you...
I'm 21 years younger, but... so are Ashton and Demi... ok... where was I
I got up there and Gary said... Hey babe, how's it going? he hugs me... I try to keep my cool... but I kind of ... how
should I put this... I don't ... OMG!!!! It's Gary, I mean, I <3 you, I mean... Wow, I met you 2 seconds ago, and
you already tell me you <3 me, I don't even know your name!... I laughed, sorry, everything's great, oh yeah, my name is
Sam... Then Joe Don saves the day... Hi, baby, I'm Joe Don... I know who you are!!!!!! He gives me a hug and he smells really
really good... I seriously wanted to faint... and then there was Jay... that was odd... Hi hon!!!! You're so beautiful!!!!...
Hi, um, Jay... he hugs me... and I turn back to Gary... he must've spotted my shirt... 'Kiss me Gary'? You want me
to kiss you?... I just nodded... so he bends down and kisses my cheek... I swear I looked like Rudolph... Instead of
blushing through my cheeks, I blush through my nose... so we have to take the pic that you get... Gary's on my right arm,
and Joe Don's on my left... Jay is doing some odd pose off to the left of Joe Don... both Joe Don and Gary are pulling on
my arms, and I didn't know which way to lean... I was like... how many times in your life can you be surrounded by three awesomely
hot, awesomely famous, awesomely talented guys... I grab my picture, and Jay and tell them I <3 them, and I'm on my way
out the door... I got Jay 1/2 way out the door... and he had to go back... Um, I kinda got a show to do in an hour... he told
me... Oh, yeah, I kinda paid $50 to see that show... even though it was totally worth every single penny... I got to meet
RASCAL FLATTS... wait til I tell my teacher who is as much obsessed as I am!!!!!!!!! ... he just laughed, well, he hugged
me... buh-bye!!!!! I made sure they couldn't see me, and then I screamed soooooo loud!!!
And then they did an awesome performance