Rascal Flatts' #1 Fan

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My Fan Fiction Story - Austin

It's super long... so I'm gonna put it in pieces... so check back often!!!!
Rated: PG-13

"Hey," Gary LeVox said into the phone, "We'll be there in a few."
"Okay, See ya then!" Tarah said back.
Thought so.
Okay... 4 years ago Tarah, 13 at the time, met Dustan, 15 at the time.  She took him up north with her and her family for a camping trip.  She got pregnant with his baby, and had Tristan Gregory March 4th.  almost 4 years later, she went to a Rascal Flatts concert and ironically found out that her ex-boyfriend, Dustan's, brother was Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts, her favorite band in the world.  So now, she's graduated high school and going on tour with Rascal Flatts as their fiddle player, since she beat Chank in a showdown the time of that concert that she went to and found out that Gary was her son's uncle.
Whew, that was a mouthful... now Gary's going to go pick Tarah and Tristan up from Tarah's mother's house in Appleton, WI.
There was a knock on Tarah's door.  She screamed.
"Tristan, baby, go look out the window," Tarah told him.
Her son rushed to the front window, "Mommy, it's Rascal Flatts."
"Ok, come on," Tarah opened the door.
"Hey, Tarah!" the trio said in unison.
"Hi, guys," Tarah said without screaming.
"Hi, Tristan," they said to Tristan.
"Hi, Rascal Flatts," he said.
They laughed.
"I'm gonna go get my bags and we can leave," Tarah said.
"Okay, that's good," Gary said.
"C'mon in and sit on the couch for a little while," Tarah moved outta the way so they could get in.
"Tristan, hon, go say goodbye to grandma," Tarah told him, while she went into her room to get her bags.  She had the Feels Like Today blasting loud.  She was sure the guys could hear it.  She took it outta her stereo put it back in it's case, and threw all of her CD's in her bag.  She went back out by the guys.  Tristan was already there.
"I hear you're still listening to us," Jay laughed.
"Of course, nothing but!" Tarah laughed.
"I'm ready.  I just gotta go say bye to my mom," Tarah dropped her bags and went into the bedroom where her mom was half asleep.
"I gotta go mom, see you later!" Tarah kissed her mom on the cheek.
"Have fun baby, and call me every night!" her mom replied.
"I will don't worry!"
When Tarah went back into the foyer, her bags were gone.  The guys had taken it and put it in the car. 
They left for the airport and got on a plane.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Gary pulled out his cell, "I have to call Dustan!  Wanna talk to him, Tarah?"
"Sure, why not?" Tarah said, "Haven't talked to him since February."
"Didn't he call for Tristan's birthday?" Gary asked.
"He was supposed to, but he never did.  Just like the past years," Tarah sighed.
"We've gotta get this boy back into the times!" Gary said.
He dialed his brother's number.
"Hello?" Dustan answered.
"Hey Dusty!" Gary said.
"What's up?"
"Not much, but there's someone who wants to say hi to you."
Gary handed Tarah the phone.
"Dustan?" Tarah said.
"Tarah?" Dustan asked back.
"Long time since I talked to you!"
"I know it has been!"
"So, are you in Nashville?"
"Yep, I'm here, I'm actually living right next to Gary."
"That's good."
"Tarah?" Dustan started.
"I still love you," Tarah's mouth dropped open and she dropped the phone, Tristan picked it up.
"Hi Daddy!" Tristan said.
"Hey, buddy!  How are you?" Dustan asked his son that he had never talked to.
"I'm good!" Tristan said
"Tristan, hand me the phone please," Gary ordered.
"Gotta go, love you!" he said.
"I love you, too," Dustan said back.
Gary took the phone, "Whatever you said to Tarah, she's still hard as stone!"
"It's true though, what I said to her," Dustan told him.
Gary had an idea of what it was, "We'll see you later, bro!"
They got to Nashville and headed back to Gary's house, Tarah and Tristan would be staying in their guest room. 
Tarah was nervous for some reason for meeting the actual Tara Vernon, the one she had despised for the longest time.
All of them pulled up to Gary's house, it was just as Tarah expected it, nice, cozy, and huge!
"Wow," Tristan said in amazement, "That's a big house!"  
Gary, Jay and Joe Don just laughed and got outta the car, Tarah followed them and Tristan followed closely behind his mom.
Gary opened the door and walked inside, "I'm home!" he called.
"Daddy!" his daughters Brittany and Brooklyn ran up to him and clung to his legs.
"Hey girls!" Gary laughed.  He bent over and hugged them.
"We missed you!" Brittany said, "Me and Brook both did."
"Aw, you think I didn't miss my girls?" Gary asked.
"Hey!" Tara came into the room.
"Hi," Gary smiled as he hugged his wife and gave her a kiss.
"Ok, guys, you've gotta meet the two who are gonna be staying here until daddy goes back on tour," Gary told Britt and Brook, "This is Tarah, and this is Tristan!" Gary pointed to them as he introduced them.
Britt went up to Tristan.
"Hi!  I'm Brittany," She said.
"Hi Brittany!" Tristan said.
Brook came up by her sister.
"How old are you?" Britt asked.
"I'm four," Tristan held up four fingers.
"I'm five," Britt said.
"And I'm two!" Brook said.
"C'mon!" Britt started dragging Tristan upstairs to her room.
Tarah started laughing.
"Well, that was easy," Gary said.
"Oh my gosh, they're adorable!" Tarah gushed, "I didn't know how much they looked like you, Gary!"
He laughed, "They took all the ugly, not the pretty from their mom."
"Gary, stop," Tara hugged his neck.
"Well, why don't you sit down!" Gary said.
They all sat in the living room.
"Oh yeah, Gary, forgot to tell you," Tara began, "Dustan's coming over in about fifteen minutes."
Tarah just sat there with this big knot in her stomach.
"Good!" Gary said, "Him and Tarah haven't seen each other in years!"
"Oh that's right!  He's got Tristan!" Tara said.
"Yes.  I talk to him a little.  Not since Sara died though."
"He's heartbroken, but I think he's okay now with you talking to him again and everything."
"Yeah, but just wait.  He's gonna flip when I tell him I just got a marriage annulled," Tarah confessed.
"You were already married?" Tara asked.
"Yeah, he was Tristan's kind of replacement father.  He loves Tristan.  But he just couldn't handle everything that went on with me finding out that I was gonna go out on tour and everything."
The doorbell rang, and Gary went to answer it.  Tarah went up to go get Tristan outta Britt's room.
"Hey, Tristan, you're daddy's here, so do you wanna go meet him?" she asked.
Tristan just nodded.  She picked him up and went downstairs, with the girls following close behind.
Tarah went back into the living room before Dustan got in there and sat down.
Dustan came into the room.
"Hi, Tarah!" Dustan said.
"Hi!" Both of the Taras said back.
They all laughed.
"Hi!" Tristan said.
"Hey! How's it going?" Dustan asked him.
"Good!" Tristan responded.
"Tristan, this is your daddy!" Tarah told him.
Tristan stood up and went over to his daddy.
"Hi buddy!" Dustan said.
"Hi!" Tristan said.
Dustan picked him up and hugged him.
"Okay, can I go back upstairs and play with Britt and Brook yet?" Tristan asked.
Dustan laughed, "Fine, go have fun!" He set his son down and went to sit next to Tarah.
"So," Tarah started, "How've you been?"
"Good," Dustan said.
"That's good," Tarah said.
Gary and Tara left the room to go make dinner.  Jay and Joe Don left with them.
"So, you never answered me before," Dustan said, "Do you still love me?"
Tarah looked at him and didn't know what to say.
Part of her just wanted to run away.  The other part wanted her to give in.
"Dustan," Tarah started, "I-"
Tarah studdered.
"I still love you," she told him.
Dustan kissed her softly again and again.
Tarah pulled away, "Dustan, didn't you learn your lesson the first time?"
"No," he laughed.
"That's what I thought!" Tarah said.
Tarah started looking around her.
"So, this is Gary and Tara's house," Tarah said, "It's nice."
"Yep, this is their house," Dustan replied, "I bet you never dreamed that you'd ever be in this house."
"Nope," Tarah said, "I never dreamed that your brother would be the Gary LeVox."
"Well, he is," Dustan laughed, "And I'm Dustan Vernon.  Just Dustan Vernon."
In the other room, Tarah heard the phone ring and someone answer it.
Tara and Jay came in the room, "Tarah, I'm sorry.  I haven't really got to know you yet, but Allison's having a breakdown of some sort and I kinda gotta go help my best friend, and even though Ally protested against it, Jay's coming with."
"Aw, is she gonna be alright?" Tarah asked her.
"Yeah, it's just one of her crisises."
"Her once a week crisis," Jay said.
Gary came into the room eating ice cream, "Dustan, never get married.  Then you end up leaving parties like this early."
"Hey!" Tara yelled at him.
"Oops, sorry," Gary said, "I love you, honey."
"Uh-huh," Tara said.  She went out the door without saying goodbye to him.
"So," Gary said, he sat down on the other side of Tarah, "What's going on?"
"Nothing, but I think I have to go," Dustan said, standing up, "I have to work tomorrow, and it's getting late."
"No, stay!" Gary said.
"I don't think so.  Last time I stayed I had a hangover at work!"
"Okay, fine, go!" Gary said.
"Bye, Tarah," he kissed her.
"Bye," she said back.
Dustan left. 
Gary and Tarah went upstairs to go check on the girls and Tristan.
They were all asleep on the floor.
Gary picked up Britt and set her in her bed, then picked up Brook.
Tarah picked up Tristan and brought him down to the guest room.
Then they sat and talked for a long time.
The next morning, Tarah woke up on the couch with Gary and a blanket wrapped around her.  She didn't remember anything about last night except Tara and Jay leaving in a hurry to go help Ally.  She didn't even remember Joe Don leaving.  All she remembered was talking to Gary.  And... it all came back to her.  And cheating on Dustan!... and Gary... cheated on his wife!... she got up, and went to go check on Tristan.  Getting away from Gary for a while should clear her mind.
She went into the guest room where she layed him last night.
"Hey, baby boy!" Tarah said as she saw he was awake watching TV.
"Hi, mommy!  Where were you last night?" Tristan asked.
"I got in here a little late, and I woke up early to go see what was going on.  Did you think I left?" Tarah tickled her son.
"NO!" he said.
"Good, because you know mommy loves you."
"And Tristan loves mommy!"
"Well, I think breakfast is almost ready.  I think I'm gonna go see what's going on," Tarah told her son, "I'll be back when breakfast is ready."
"Okay," Tristan hugged her.
"I think daddy's coming over later, too."
Tarah left the room and went into the kitchen where Tara was cooking breakfast.
"Hey, Tarah!" Tara said looking over her shoulder.
"Hi, how was Allison last night?" Tarah asked.
"She was just being a blonde.  She thought she was pregnant.  She took those new kind of tests, the ones w/ the words, and her finger was covering the not part," Tara started laughing.
"I would've done the same thing," Tarah laughed, "So what did Jay do?"
"Jay, first of all, Ally's like, I think I'm pregnant, and Jay was like, 'you think'?  She's like Tara, help me!"
"So I took it, and I'm like, 'Unless not pregnant means pregnant, then you're pregnant'.  And then I laughed.  Jay was like, wait, Tara, you're confusing me, is Ally pregnant, or not? And I was like, Jay, she's a blonde, she was holding her finger over the not."
"Oh my gosh, he had to have been falling over laughing!"
"Oh he did, and Allison was laughing at herself."
Tarah almost fell off the stool she was sitting on laughing.
"So I saw you fell asleep on the couch with my husband," Tara said.
"I'm sorry, Tara, I didn't mean to.  We were talking last night because we were all alone, and we must've just fell asleep," Tarah stared apologizing.
"I know, I threw the blanket on you guys.  I didn't want to wake Gary, because he hates it when I wake him up."
"Thanks, I just didn't want you to think like we were doing something."
"I know Gary wouldn't do that.  He loves me too much!" Tara laughed.
"Is he still sleeping?" Tarah asked.
"Yep, and the girls are too!  Tristan must've tired them out!"
"Tristan's already up.  He's watching TV in the guest room."
"Well, breakfast is almost ready.  I'm gonna wake up Gary, and the girls, and we'll have breakfast," Tara explained.
"Okay, I'll go get Tristan," the Taras went to go wake the family up.

Tarah went to go get Tristan.
"Tristan, baby, it's time to get washed up for breakfast!" Tarah told her son.
"Yes, ma'am," he replied.  He got off the bed and turned off the TV.  He ran into the guest bathroom to wash his hands.
Tarah came back out and Britt and Brook were sitting at the table already, and Tarah was putting together everyone's plates.
"Hi!" Britt said as Tarah came into the kitchen. 
"Hi, Britt how are you this morning?" Tarah asked.
"Is Tristan coming?"
"Yes," Tarah laughed, "He's just getting washed up for breakfast."
Tarah went by Tara, "Do you need any help?"
"No, I'm fine," Tara replied.
Just then, Gary came in the door.
"Morning sunshine!" Tarah exclaimed.
"Hi, Tarah," Gary wiped his eyes.
"And good morning, beautiful," he kissed his wife.
"Good morning," she murmured back.
"Daddy!" Brook shouted.
"Brookie!" Gary said back, as he headed over to the table by his girls.
Tara brought everyone's plates to the table, "Okay, everyone, enjoy.  I gotta go to work.  See you guys later.  Tara took her keys and gave Gary one more kiss. 
"Mommy, you didn't say bye to us!" Britt complained.
She went back into the kitchen and hugged her girls, "Mommy will be home soon.  Be good for daddy and Tarah."
She walked back to the foyer, "Bye, Tarah!"
"Bye!" Tarah said back as Tara opened the door and left.
Gary, Tarah, and the kids ate breakfast with occassional outbursts from Brooklyn asking her daddy questions.
"Daddy, where were you?" 
"I was at work!" Gary told her.
"You were gone for a long time!" Britt told him.
"I know, I know, but you guys know I love you and mommy very much, and that I'll come back!"
"Daddy, do you have to leave today?"
"No, I'm home for a few weeks!"
"YAY!" both girls screamed.
"Wow, they sure miss you, Gary," Tarah laughed.
"It tears me apart!" Gary told her, "You should know, you're a parent!"
"I know, I feel alone without Tristan," Tarah said, "And you're away from them more, and you've got Tara.  That's gotta be hard on you!"
"It's really hard, but I come back to see them a lot, on breaks."
"And all I wanted you to do was come and play for me everyday.  Now I want you to stay here with your family!"
Gary laughed, "Gosh, you fans are greedy!"
"Oh, but we're not really, we love all you guys sooooo much, and we want you to be happy.  Of course there's those star crushes.  But then in the end we all admitted that we would probably cry if one of you guys got divorced from your wife.  Especially if you got divorced from Tara.  I think all of the Fam would be in shock.  And we'd say goodbye to Rascal Flatts."
"Why would you say goodbye to Rascal Flatts?" Gary asked, curious.
"Because we all thought that'd you'd be so heartbroken and wouldn't wanna carry on, because we know how much you love Tara and we think that you'd quit."
"I'd never quit what I do, even if it came down to that.  Even though I don't think it will, because I love Tara more than anything in the world."
All of the kids had snuck away from the table by then. 
The doorbell rang. 
"It's probably Dustan," Gary told her, he went to the door.
"Hey, Gary!" Dustan said.
"Hey, Dusty, what's up?" Gary asked as he let him inside.
"Not much!"
Tarah came out from the kitchen, "Hey, Dustan!" she hugged him.
"Hey, baby!  I just wanted to know if you wanted to take a walk with me?" Dustan asked her.
"Oh, no! I can't leave Tristan and the girls with Gary.  That's too much!"
"No, Tarah, it's fine, Tristan's no problem, and of course, I can handle my girls."
"Are you sure?" Tarah asked.
"Just go," Gary started pushing her and Dustan out the door.
Dustan and Tarah walked down the sidewalk.
"So, what's going on in your life?" Dustan asked Tarah.
"Well," Tarah knew she had to tell Dustan about Brad, "I got married last November."
"What?" Dustan stopped.
"The marriage is annulled now.  He helped me with Tristan.  He loves Tristan!" Tarah fought back.
"I LOVE TRISTAN!" Dustan yelled at her.
"Then why did you never call?  Why didn't you try to talk to him?  Why didn't you try to see him?  He's four years old Dustan.  He didn't meet his father 'til yesterday!" Tarah yelled at him.
"You can't go replacing me like that!" Dustan told her.
"Well, I just told you, the marriage is annulled.  I gave up a marriage just to get my baby boy to see his daddy again.  A marriage I wanted to last!" Tarah told him, "I didn't want my baby boy to never see his father," Tarah started crying.
"Tarah," Dustan calmed down, "Tarah, baby, I'm sorry!"
"Get away," she shrugged him off, and then ran back to Gary's house. 

She got back to Gary's house, and tried to sneak past him.  He heard her go past and close the door to the guest room.
Tarah fell on the bed sobbing.
"Tarah?" Gary knocked on the door.
"What?" Tarah asked.
"May I come in?"
"Fine," Tarah said.
Gary opened the door and sat next to her on the bed, "What's the matter?"
"Dustan's the matter!  He blew up when I told him about Brad.  I had to tell him about Brad!" Tarah sobbed.
"Yeah, I know you had to tell him about Brad, but he'll get over it.  I mean, you did get married."
"There wasn't even that big wedding I've planned for my whole life!  It was just me and Brad, and another one of my friends and his friend to be a best man and maid of honor.  It was horrible.  I thought I'd marry Dustan!"
"I know, I thought that Dustan would get married to you.  Until Sarabeth, but then, she's gone now, and you're here, and-" Gary was stopped by the doorbell, "How much do you wanna bet it's Dustan?"
"Go get it.  I'll be out in a minute," Tarah wiped her eyes and started for the bathroom.
Gary went to go answer the door.
Tarah went back into the living room where Dustan and Gary were sitting on the couch talking.
"Hi," Tarah said to Dustan.
"Hey," Dustan looked at her.
"Look," Tarah began.
"I'm sorry," Dustan said, "I was a jerk."
"No, I was the jerk.  I should've told you I got married sooner."
Tarah went and sat by Dustan. 
"YAY!!!!" Gary clapped, "Can we all be happy now?"
They all laughed.
"Where's Tristan?" Dustan asked.
"He's in with the girls in Britt's room, of course," Gary said.
"Awww, they love their cousin," Dustan said.
"I think they're in love with the fact that he's a boy," Tarah said.
"Don't say that!" Gary said, "They can't have boyfriends til they're 30!  And they believe that!"
"Good!  I wish I had that rule when I was that age!" Tarah, "Maybe I wouldn't have had a kid at 14!"
"I'm trying to steer her clear of that.  It runs in the family.  My parents at 16, Dustan at 15, and I'm trying to keep it outta my family!"
"You and Tara are doing a great job.  I wouldn't worry," Tarah told him.
The three of them went upstairs to check on them. 
They were dressing Tristan up in their clothes.
Tarah started laughing so hard that Dustan had to catch her before she fell over.
"Hi Aunt Tarah!" Britt said, "Doesn't Tristan look pretty?"
"Yes, Tristan, you look beautiful!"
"Do dresses always itch?" Tristan asked.
"Just be glad you're a guy," Gary told his nephew.
"Daddy!" It was the first time Tristan had noticed that Dustan was there.  Tristan ran over in the dress that Britt and Brook had put on him.
"Tristan!" Dustan picked him up.
"Daddy, why was mommy crying before?" Tristan asked him.
Dustan looked at him.   Tarah didn't know that Tristan had seen her come into the house.
"It's okay, Tristan, mommy's fine now, see?" Tarah said.
"But why were you sad?" Tristan asked again.
Tarah took him, "It's hard to understand when you're little.  Mommy was just confused."
"Oh," Tristan said.  Tarah sat him back on the floor.
"You guys have fun!" Gary told them, he closed the door and they went back downstairs.  Just as Tarah got to the last step, the doorbell rang. 
Gary opened the door and it was Jay and Joe Don.

"Hey!" Joe Don and Jay said when Gary opened the door.
"Hi," Gary let them in.
"Hey, Tarah," Joe Don said, "How was your night?"
"Um, it was good!" Tarah was still trying to process the thought of she knew Rascal Flatts.  She had to get to a computer!
They sat around and talked.  Tara got home at about six.
"Annoyed of them yet?" Tara asked Tarah.
"Are you kidding?  I know hundreds of people who would kill to be doing this!" Tarah laughed.
"Wait, so you're in the Fam?" Joe Don asked.
"GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!!!!!" Tarah told them, "What kind of #1 fan would I be if I wasn't in the fam?"
"You're probably wanting to text all the girls and tell them that you're here!" Jay said.
"Yes, I'm like, they wouldn't believe me though.  There were many frauds like that on the threads," Tarah explained.
"We can help you if you want!" Joe Don said.  He got out a camera, and they all got in a pic w/ Tarah. 
They took all these pics of the house, one of Gary's kids w/ Tristan still held hostage, and of Tara, Ally and Tiff when they came over.
"Now do you think they'll believe you?" Gary asked.
"I think they will," Tarah laughed.  They were sitting around a computer as Tarah uploaded the pics into a photo album and posted a link.
"So now what?" Gary asked.
"We go post crazy!" Tarah said, she started going around the site and posting on random threads.  All while the guys looked on and laughed until they cried.
~Three months later~
They were back on tour at their first stop, Nashville.  It was Tarah's first concert with the guys as fiddle. She was nervous.  She didn't know what they would to her.
The guys were all playing pranks on her all night long.
"Please welcome, our new fiddle player, TARAH TESSLOW!"
Tarah played a little as Gary came up to her and tried to make her laugh.  She held up though.
After she was done, Gary said, "Tarah is my brother's girlfriend of like a million years.  I think they should just go ahead and get married!"
Tarah laughed.
"They already have a child!"
"And Gary, did you mention that she's the biggest Rascal Flatts fan you've ever met?" Jay asked.
"Oh yeah, she's still in the fam and she's around us all day and all night!" Gary told them.
"I could never hate my Rascal Flatts," Tarah took a microphone, "Even though, they love to torture me!"
Gary hugged her, and the crowd screamed.
"I bet y'all wish that was you," Gary said.
"I can't believe that was me!" Tarah said.
They went on with the show.  Afterwards, Dustan pulled Tarah aside.

"Tarah!" Dustan grabbed her arm and swung her around.
"What?" Tarah asked.
"Can I talk to you?" Dustan asked.
"Yeah, baby, what?"
Dustan got down on one knee, will you marry me?"
Tarah let out a tear, "I-I-I-I"
"Tarah, I is not an answer, yes and no are the words you're looking for.  Please, don't say no!" Dustan said.
"YES!!!!!!!" Tarah jumped up and down.
Dustan put the big shiny diamond ring on her finger, and kissed her.
From outta nowhere, Tristan came running, "Daddy! Daddy!  She said yes!"
Dustan picked Tristan up, "Yeah, she did!"
"You knew about this?" Tarah asked her son.
"Yes, ma'am," Tristan said.
"Oh, you little stinker!" Tarah tickled him, he laughed.
The three of them went to go find Gary, Jay and Joe Don.
Tristan was the one to break the news.
"Guess what!  Guess what!" Tristan ran after them.
Gary picked him up, "What Tristan? What?"
"Mommy and Daddy are getting married!" Tristan told them.
"So our comments during the show worked!" Jay said.
"Right, like I believe what comes outta your mouth," Tarah took Tristan back.
"Why wouldn't you?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, you're like the boy who cried wolf.  I wouldn't believe you if it was that peanut butter and jelly go together!"
"Ohhhh," Joe Don said, "I think Jay just got dissed!"
"I don't like you, Tarah," Jay joked, "He crossed his arms."
"Well, too bad, we're gonna be like second cousins, cause I'm marrying your second cousin!"
"How are you going to tell mom and dad?" Gary asked Dustan, "You know they tried to get rid of Tarah."
"I'm gonna figure that out," Dustan said, "Somehow."
They went back to the tour bus and headed to their next stop, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Tarah's hometown."

Tarah woke up in a familiar place.  She went over by Dustan who was already up.
"Hey, baby," Dustan kissed her when she sat on his lap.
"Hi," Tarah looked out the window, "I KNOW WHERE WE ARE!"
"Duh, we're in your hometown," Dustan told her.
"Where's Tristan?" Tarah asked.
"With your mother," Dustan said.
"YOU TALKED TO MY MOTHER????" Tarah yelled, "Did you tell her about the engagement?"
"I didn't have to, Tristan did."
"Great," Tarah started pacing around, "What'd she say?"
"Congratulations and she's happy for us!" Dustan said.
"Good," Tarah kissed him again, "It's good."
Just then, Gary walked onto the bus, "Get a room," he teased.
"Hi, Gary!" Tarah looked at him.
"So, you're still getting married?" he kept teasing.
"Um, I don't know," Tarah teased Dustan, "I don't remember if I want to."
"Oh, you want to," Dustan kissed her.
"Okay, whatever you say," Tarah said.
"Well, we're all going to Green Bay now, you're mom is going to bring Tristan later," Gary told her.
"Okay, that's good," Tarah said.
Later, at the concert, it was time for the guys to introduce the band.
"It's Wisconsin's own, Tarah Tesslow!"
Tarah waved.
"We had a big show in Nashville last night, and Tarah had a big night, too!"
"Why is that?" Jay asked, laughing.
"I'M GETTING MARRIED!" Tarah yelled into her mic.
The whole place erupted in applause.
"To who?" Gary asked.
"HIS BROTHER!" Tarah pointed at Gary.
All the girls screamed.
"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be related to Gary LeVox," Tarah gasped.
"You just figured that out?" Joe Don asked her.
Jay went backstage.
"Hey, I'm a blonde," Tarah shot back.
"You're gonna be Mrs. Dustan Vernon," Gary told her. 
"You're gonna be my brother-in-law," Tarah started to get tears in her eyes.
"Tarah, again, you need to think a little more," Gary hugged her.
"TARAH!" Jay shouted from backstage.
"WHAT JAY?" Tarah screamed back.
"Tara's on the phone for you."
"Why'd you answer my cell phone?"
"I didn't!" Jay threw his hands up, "Your son did!"
"That little munchkin!" Tarah laughed.
"Why is my wife calling you?" Gary asked.
"Because she loves me, not you," Tarah teased, "Toss me the phone Jay."
"Toss it?" Jay asked, "Okay!" Jay threw the phone from backstage and Tarah caught it perfectly.
The crowd cheered as if she had scored a touchdown for the Packers.
"Hey," Tarah said into the phone.
"Are you onstage?" Tara asked.
"Yeah, I think we're stalling for Gary to get his voice back," Tarah said.
"Okay, two questions, are you engaged?" Tara asked.
"It already spread throughout Nashville, hasn't it?" Tarah asked.
"Yep, so you are.  People are calling the house asking about it."
"Well, we just broke it to the Green Bay crowd.  My hometown shoulda been the first to know."
"Oh my gosh, so when's the wedding?"
"I DON'T KNOW!" Tara shouted, "You're gonna help me with the plans whenever we get a break."
"Tell him I love him, too!" Tara laughed.
"SHE LOVES YOU, TOO, GARY!" Tarah shouted at him, even though she had a microphone to her mouth and everyone could hear everything she was saying.
"Okay, second question," Tara said, "Are you pregnant?"
Tarah stopped dead.

Thoughts were going through her head.  How do they get all this info?
She had to move the mic outta her face.
"Tara, where'd you hear that?" Tarah asked.
"It's all around Nashville.  You and Dustan are the hot couple right now!"
"Great, I haven't even told Dustan that."
Dustan must've heard the conversation from backstage because he appeared onstage.
"What's going on?" Dustan asked.
"Ummmmm, Dustan?" Tarah said, "Can I talk to you?"
"I'm all yours," he put his arms around her.
"I'm, um, pregnant," Tarah said, she forgot about the mic, so the crowd clapped.
"Shoot, the mic!" Dustan said.
"Aw," Gary said, "You guys have to get married now!"
"They didn't the first time!" Joe Don said.
"They weren't even legal," Jay argued.
"Okay," Dustan said, "I'm gonna go now," Dustan kissed her, "I love you."
"I love you more," Tarah told him as he left the stage
"TARAH!" Tarah had forgotten about Tara
"Oh my gosh, Tara, I'm sorry," she apologized.
"It's okay, I better go," Tarah could hear Brittany yelling I wanna talk to daddy!
"Awwww, do you want me to get Gary on the phone for Brittany?" Tarah asked.
"Is there something the matter with Britt?" Gary asked.
"She just misses her daddy," Tarah told him, as he came up to her, she handed him the phone.

"Hey, babe," Gary said into the phone.
"Hey, Gary," Tara said back.
"Let me talk to Brittany, maybe it'll help."
"Okay, hold on."
"I love you," Gary told her.
"I love you, too," Tara responded.
Tara handed Brittany the phone.
"Daddy?" Britt said.
"Hey angel," Gary said.
"DADDY!!!!" Britt screamed.
"I miss you, baby," Gary told her.
"Daddy, come home!" Britt ordered.
"You know daddy can't!  I'm not even supposed to be on the phone right now!" Gary told his daughter.
"But mommy's baby needs you!" Britt told him.
"Britt!" Gary heard Tara say.
"Britt, I know you and Brook miss me, but I'll be back in a few days for a few days."
"No, mommy's other baby!" Britt said.
"Britt, give me the phone," Tara demanded.
Gary was in shock, he didn't know what that meant.
"Gary," Tara said.
"What?" Gary asked.
"I'm having a baby," Tara said.
"No way," Gary said.
"Okay, not a baby, two babies!" Tara told him.
"NO STINKING WAY," Gary said.
"YES WAY," Tara said back.
Gary went to go sit down on a step of the stage.  Joe Don and Jay decided to go on with the show and it was hard to hear.
"Gary, are you okay?" Tara asked.
"When were you gonna tell me this?" Gary asked.
"I was gonna tell you on your next break.  I didn't want to tell you right before you started a new tour, because you'd want to back outta it."
"You know I love my fans, hon, I wouldn't back out.  I'd just make sure I'm back in time for the baby."
"Babies," Tara corrected him.
"Yeah, right," Gary said, "You're sure you're having twins?"
"Yes, I just got back from the doctor's.  Britt was with me while Brook was being watched by a babysitter."
"Okay, sorry, but I gotta go.  They're making things up now to cover for me."
"Okay, love you!" Tara told him.
"Love you, too!" Gary said back.
He hung up the phone, took a deep breath and went back out on the stage.
Later, after the show, Tarah pulled Gary aside.
"We have a problem," Tarah told him.
"What?" Gary asked.
She pulled his arm to an empty dressing room.

"What is it Tarah?" Gary asked.
Tarah started crying into Gary's shoulder.
"What?" Gary asked again.
"The babies, their not Dustan's!" Tarah wailed.
"What!?" Gary asked, "How do you know?"
"I knew I was pregnant before we did it again," Tarah kept crying.
"Who's-," he stopped, "No, no, no, no, no, no."
Tarah looked at him and nodded.
"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gary shouted.
"It is!" Tarah told him.
"Babies?" he asked her, he felt like he just said that.
"Yes, twins," Tara told him.
"Great," Gary kept going.
"I know, I don't want it to be," Tarah said.
"Tara's pregnant, too," Gary told her, "WITH TWINS!"
"NO WAY!" Tarah burst.
"So how are we gonna do this?" Gary asked.
"We can't tell Dustan," Tarah said.
"Or Tarah, she's gonna die if she figures this out."
"Ok, I guess then we'll have to go on like they're Dustan's," Tarah said.
"Okay," Gary hugged her.
"How did you pull of two sets of twins?" Tarah asked.
"The world will never know," Gary said.
Tarah laughed, and they went back out to everyone.

"Where'd you guys go?" Jay asked, "Do I even wanna know?"
"We were talking," Gary slapped him in the back of the head.
"Fine," Jay said, "I believe ya!"
"MOMMY!" Tristan ran up to her.
Tarah picked him up, "Where's daddy?" she asked him.
"On the bus."
"Why is he there?" Tarah laughed.
"He's thinking," Tristan whispered.
"Please," Gary said, "Dustan can't think!  It's harder for him than for Jay!"
"Hey!" Jay crossed his arms, "I think!  I just don't like to!"
Tarah gave Tristan to Gary and ran to see what was up with Dustan.
"Hey!" Tarah said when she got on the bus and saw Dustan lying on the couch.
"Hey, baby," he sat up.
Tarah went to sit by him, Dustan kissed her.
"Are you okay?" Tarah asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Dustan told her.
"LIAR!!!!!! You're such a bad liar, you know?" Tarah laughed.
"I'm just scared," Dustan admitted, "You've gone through the baby stage.  I didn't."
"Because, you left me with a baby," Tarah told him.
"Because I was scared," Dustan admitted.
"Baby, it's alright," Tarah hugged him, "Did I tell you they're twins?"
"Thanks for telling me that NOW!" Dustan said.
"You're welcome!" Tarah laughed.  Tarah kissed him.
"Oh yeah.  Your dad called, and someone named Brad."
"Crap," Tarah said, "You answered?"
"Your dad still doesn't like me that much.  He just called to say hi and congratulations to us, because for some reason it's all over the Entertainment news thingy."
"Of course, Tara called to warn me about that."
"And that guy Brad said he just wanted to say hi.  See how you were doing.  He didn't sound happy."
"Okay, we're going to visit my dad, and Brad."

Tarah and Dustan stole her mom's car for the next day and took Tristan to go see Tarah's dad and Brad.  Dustan was trying to figure out who this Brad dude was.
"Tarah, who's Brad?" Dustan finally asked, he was driving just past the 1/2 way mark of their trip. 
"I told you that when I first got to Nashville!" Tarah told him, "You got mad at me."
"WE'RE GOING TO GO SEE YOUR EX-HUSBAND!" Dustan yelled and almost lost control of the wheel.
"He lives across the street from my dad.  We kinda have to see him."
They rode the rest of the drive in silence.
When they got there, Tarah got Tristan outta the car and went up to the door with Dustan behind her.
She rung the doorbell.
Tarah's dad came to the door.
"Hey, I didn't know you were coming!" Tarah's dad hugged her.
"Sorry, I know, I didn't call.  I thought it'd be a nice surprise though," Tarah apologized.
"Grandpa!" Tristen hugged him.
"Hey, Tristan!  How have you been?"
"Go inside and say hi to everyone," Tarah's dad set his grandson down and he ran inside.
"Dad, you remember Dustan," Tarah reintroduced them.
"How's it going, Dustan?" Tarah's dad shook his hand.
"It's going good, sir," he said, politely.
"Come on in!"

Tarah and Dustan walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to each other.
"So what's this I hear from the news?  You getting married? Having a baby?" her dad sat down across from them in the arm chair.
"Babies," Tarah corrected.
"So they weren't just rumors."
"Nope," Tarah said.
"Well, my baby's all grown up," her dad told her.
"Daddy, you know I'll always be your baby," Tarah went over and sat on her dad's lap.
"Um, you're a lot bigger than i remember!" he laughed.
"Where is everyone?" Tarah changed the subject.
"They're down at the park fishing," Tarah's dad told her. She got off of his lap and stood up.
"With Brad."
"Well, he called and wanted to talk to me.  So I thought I'd stop and talk to you and Brad," Tarah said.
"That's good, I know he really wants to see you."
"I just wanna talk to him and see what's new with him."
"Well, he came home to live with his parents for a while, while he waited to see what happened to you, but then you got engaged, and now he's trying to move on."
"Dad, don't tell me this stuff," Tarah said, "I don't want him to feel sad!'
"Well, go see him, he'll be happy to see you and Tristan."
Tristan was in the kitchen with Tarah's stepmom eating freshly baked cookies, when Tarah and Dustan walked in there to get him.
"Mommy, want a cookie?" Tristan handed her a cookie.
"Thanks," Tarah went over to her stepmom and gave her a hug, "Hey Tina!"
"Hey, Tarah!  Congratulations!" Tina said back, admiring her engagement ring.
"Thanks!" Tarah said, and went back over by Tristan, "I think we have to get going.  I have to go say hi to all the others and Brad."
"It was nice seeing you!" Tina said.
Tarah took Tristan off the counter where he was sitting.
"It's nice to be home!" Tarah told her.
"We'll see ya later," her dad showed her to the door.
Tarah, Dustan and Tristan walked down the trail to the park.  She found her 2 brothers and her step sister fishing, with Brad helping her sister put bait on the hook.
"Hey, guys!" Tarah said when she approached her siblings.
"TARAH!" her brothers jumped on her.  Dustan set Tristan down to go say hi to his aunts and uncles.
"Tarah," Brad came up behind her.
She turned around, "Brad," she whispered.
She hugged him tight.
When she pulled away, she introduced Dustan, "Brad, this is Dustan, Tristan's father."
Brad and Dustan just shook hands without saying hi.
Tristan ran up to Brad and gave him a hug.  Dustan felt like killing this dude.  He clenched his teeth.
"How's it going Tristan?" Brad asked him.
"Good!  I missed you!" Tristan responded.
"I missed you, too!" Brad says, "How do you like your daddy?"
"DADDY'S AWESOME!" Tristan said as Brad set him down.
"Will you stay here with these guys if me, daddy and Brad take a walk around the park?" Tarah asked him.
"Okay," Tristan went over to the riverbank where everyone was sitting fishing.
"So," Brad started, "You guys getting married?"
"Yes, Dustan asked me the other night," Tarah told him.
"That's good," Brad said, "Baby?"
"Babies," Dustan said.
"Twins?" Brad asked.
"Yes," Tarah said.
"Wow," Brad said.
"Yep," Dustan said.
"So," Tarah said.
They walked onto the pier, when Brad put his arm around Tarah's waist.
Dustan saw this and grabbed Tarah away from him, and Brad fell into the lake.
He walked outta the lake, and Dustan wasn't done. 
"What the hell were you thinking?" Dustan asked, "SHE'S MINE!  SHE'S GONNA BE MY WIFE, SHE'S NOT YOUR WIFE ANYMORE!"
"Dustan, I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking," Brad told him.
"I don't think you ever thought.  First of all, you eloped with Tarah after her 18th birthday, you took over the role as father to Tristan, and then now you act like you're still with Tarah!"
"DUSTAN! STOP!" Tarah shouted.
Dustan pulled her close to her in front of Brad, and kissed her.
"Tarah, is this how you act now?" Brad asked, "Showing off your boyfriend to your ex to make him jealous?"
"Brad, I'm sorry, but Dustan's right.  We were young and dumb," Tarah sided with Dustan.
"Well, I don't need any of this," Brad said.
"Mommy?" Tristan was behind her, "Why are you yelling?"
Tarah stopped.

Brad rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Tristan!" Tarah squatted in front of him.
"Mommy, you're scary!" Tristan's voice shaked.
He ran over to his aunts and uncles.
The next week, Rascal Flatts decided to cancel the rest of their tour.  A lot of people would be sad, they knew, but too many things were going on in their own lives.  Tarah and Dustan's wedding, Tarah and Tara being pregnant, it was all too much for the 3 of them.  And Jay and Joe Don just wanted to be home with their wives. (and JD with his dogs).
Tarah and Tara were wedding dress shopping, Tarah had tried on a million different dresses, but couldn't find one that she absolutely loved.  Tara put some on just for fun.
"Oh my gosh, Tara, even though you're married you should get that one, you're absolutely beautiful in it!"
"Gary'd be like, why did you get another wedding dress?" Tara laughed.
"Just in case you guys decide to divorce and remarry each other for the heck of it!" Tarah laughed.
"True," Tara said, she went back into the changing room and changed.
Finally, Tarah came out in this beautiful dress.  Tara screamed, "OH MY GOD, TARAH, YOU GOTTA GET THIS ONE!"
Tarah and Tara both bought a dress (again, Tara wanted one), and then they go to another store to find bridesmaids' dresses.
Two months later, was the wedding.
They said their vows, and Tarah cried.  She was shaking so much that Dustan told her to quit shaking to put on her wedding band.
At the party, Gary and Tara had a fight.
"Tara, what's the matter?" Gary asked her.
"You're not paying attention to me anymore.  I feel left out," Tara pouted.
"Tara, you know I love you."
"No, I feel like you don't anymore!" Tara said, "You're always around Tarah, or Tristan, or the girls, you never have time for me anymore!"
"Tara," Gary grabbed her arm.  She shook him off and ran out.  Tarah followed her.
"TARA!" Tarah yelled.  She ran up behind her and caught her arm, "Tara, what's the matter?"
"Let's see," Tara started listing things, "My husband is always gone, he's always around other women, he's always with you, and he doesn't seem to love me anymore!"
"Tara, that's not true!" Tarah told her, "He loves you more than anything in this world!  If only you could hear what he says when he's not with you.  He's talking about you, he's wishing he was with you at that very moment, and he's always looking at pictures of you and the girls, you wedding photos, you're his life Tara!"
"Well, I don't believe you!" Tara told her.  She started crying on Tarah's shoulder, "I can't believe you, Tarah!  You're part of the problem!  That's why!  You know I love you to death, but I don't know what goes on with you guys!" Tara sobbed.
Tarah thought about telling Tara that her babies weren't Dustan's, but she thought she'd wait a while.  She wanted to save Tara and Gary's marraige.
"So, what are you gonna do?" Tarah asked.
"I can't go back in there.  I can't face Gary now!" Tara told Tarah.
"Well, what are you gonna do?"
"I dunno," Tara whispered.  She pulled away from Tara and got in her car.  She drove off without another word.
Tarah walked back into the reception, and Gary immediately went up to her.
"Where's Tara?" he asked her.
"She left," Tarah told him, "What's up with you guys?"
"I dunno, she's mad!" Gary followed Tara over to a table to talk.
"I can tell, doofus!" Tarah laughed.
"What'd she say to you?"
"I told her how much you love her, but she can't believe me b/c i'm part of the problem, or something like that," Tarah told him.
"I see," Gary was staring off into space, "Do you know where she went?"
"Nope, she just doesn't know what to do next.  I'd watch it if I were you," Tarah stood up and went to go find Dustan.
Gary just kept staring at the air.

"Hey!" Dustan kissed Tarah, "Where've you been?"
"Trying to fix Gary and Tara's relationship problem, but I think I made it worse," Tarah sighed.
"I'll go try," Dustan went over by his brother.
"Hey," Dustan sat down next to Gary, "What'd you do now?"
"I think, I'm getting divorced," Gary said, "I think, Tara is gonna divorce me."
"What?!" Dustan said, "no way!  Tara's not gonna do that.  I could never see Tara doing that!"
"Well, I think it's gonna happen!"
"Where is she?"
"She left."
"GO AFTER HER!" Dustan yelled, "I didn't go after Tarah, and I almost lost her, go after your wife, figure out what happened, make up, and everything will be all better."
Gary stood up, "You know what, i think that's the best idea you've ever had!"
"Thanks?" Dustan didn't know if that was supposed to be a compliment or not.
Gary went to go find Tarah, "Hey, I've gotta go find out where Tara is," Gary hugged her.
"Okay, good luck!" Tarah told him.
He turned around and quickly headed for the door.
He got into his truck, and checked his cell phone.  He found one new message.
"Hey Gary, it's me," Gary heard Tara say, "I was just calling to tell you that I did think about getting the divorce papers, but I was just giving you fair warning.  I'll stay at my mom's house with the girls until you call me back and we talk.  Either way, I want to tell you how much I still love you, but right now I'm so confused."
Gary could hear Tara start crying.
"I don't know what to do Gary," Tara sobbed in the message, "Just, call me back, please!"
the message ended and Gary saved it and stared out of the windshield of his car.
Meanwhile, Tarah went over to Dustan.
"Dustan," Tarah whined, "Why does this happen on our wedding day?"
"I don't know, but that doesn't matter," Dustan held her close, "We're married now, aren't we?"
"I guess you're right," Tarah kissed him, "But I want to go find Tara.  I don't know where she is!"
"Hon, you don't know where she is!"
"I'll find her," Tarah started for the door, "I've gotta find her."

Gary dialed Tara's cell phone. 
"Hello?" Tara answered.
"Hi, it's me," Gary said, "What's going on?"
"Well, I'm at my mother's house," Tara told him, "With the girls."
"What are we going to do?" Gary asked.
There was a pause on Tara's end.
"I don't know," she finally whispered.
"Tara, I don't want you to go," Gary told her.
"I don't want to go either, but I feel like I have to," Tara told him.
"You don't have to," Gary told her, "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.  You know that.  If you need me to change, work less, be around you more, I'll do it."
"NO! DON'T YOU DARE QUIT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" Tara yelled at him, "You've done too much to give up now!"
"What do you want me to do?" Gary asked.
"I don't know," Tara said, "I think I've just changed, I can't hold you back from what you do, I think it's best if we split."
Those words tore Gary to pieces, he let a few tears roll down his cheeks before softly answering Tara, "If you think that's what's best."
"I don't know," Tara murmured.
"Want me to go get the papers?" Gary didn't want to at all, even though he offered.
"Yeah," Gary could hear Tara trying not to cry herself.
"Tara, I'm sorry," Gary told her.
"It's not your fault!" Tara almost screamed.
"Yes, it is.  I shouldn't be going around town with Tarah, and Tristan and Dustan all the time.  I should've been going around town with you and the girls!"
"No, it's fine!" Tara defended, even though she knew Tarah was the problem, "She was on tour with you, she's like your biggest fan, she's your brother's new wife, it's fine."
"No, Tara, it's not," Gary was gonna tell Tara about cheating, "It's really not."
"Why not?" Tara asked.
"Weeeeeeeeeell," Gary started.
"What Gary?" Tara asked again, "You're scaring me."
"Tara, I- I- I-," Gary studdered.
"NO!" Tara finally burst into tears, "Gary! Why?"
"It just, happened!" Gary told her, relieved that she got the picture and didn't have to say it.
"The twins?" Tara squeaked.
Gary was just quiet.
"NOOOO!" Tara sobbed.
"I'm sorry, Tara, I wanted to tell you," Gary told her.
"You have every right," Gary told her.
"Go get those papers!  As soon as possible!" Tara screamed.
Tara hung up.
Gary sat there in his truck, that was still running, and had tears in his eyes.  Tarah came up to his car window. 
"At her mom's, and I'd advise you not to go over there," Gary responded. 
"Why not?" Tarah asked.
"I told her," Gary wiped his eyes.
"Great, I've been married for 3 hours and my marraige is gonna end!" Tarah threw her arms up.
"No, it's not!" Gary told her, "Dustan loves you like no other, he's gonna love you even if you've gotta tell him about that night, and that the twins aren't his.  He's gonna treat them like he is the father, because he right ought to be," Gary told her, as tears were streaming down Tarah's face.
"What was her reaction?" Tarah asked.
"She told me she hated me," Gary said, "I'm supposed to go to the courthouse to get the papers now!"
"Oh my gosh, Gary," Tarah hugged him, "I'm so, so sorry!  I really wish that night hadn't happened."
"Oh c'mon Tarah, you know you wanted it to happen," Gary laughed.
"Ok, maybe a little," Tarah laughed, "But I didn't wanna hurt Tara.  She's like a big sister to me.  I just want you guys to work everything out before you guys do have your twins."
"I'm not sure that's gonna happen," Gary looked down.
"I'm gonna go back to my reception now, you take care of everything and call me later," Tarah hugged him through the window.
"I'm sorry that I ruined your wedding day," Gary told her.
"You didn't ruin it.  All that matters is that you two reconcile.  I'm married now, probably gonna be divorced in the next 24 hours, but you gotta go reconcile."
"Don't say that, you'll be married forever.  Now go!" Gary told her.
Tarah turned around and went back into the reception hall, as Gary restarted his truck and drove off.

Tarah went to go find Dustan.
"Hey, baby," Dustan kissed her.
"Dustan," Tarah hesitated, "I gotta talk to you, in private."
Dustan followed Tarah to another room in the reception hall.
"What's wrong?" Dustan asked.
"Tara and Gary are getting divorced," Tarah began, "Because of me."
"What do you mean?" Dustan asked, "It couldn't be because of you, you didn't do anything wrong!"
"Yes," Tarah held onto his shoulders, "Dustan, I did do something terribly wrong."
"What?" Dustan looked confused.
"Well, that first night that I was here, and we hadn't seen you yet, and we weren't going out yet, and Gary and I."
"I can't believe this," Dustan said, sorta in a daze.
"Don't get mad!" Tarah begged.
"I won't," Dustan kissed her.
"There's something else," Tarah said.
"Let me guess, the twins aren't mine?" Dustan asked.
"That made it a whole lot easier on me," Tarah laughed.
"Not on me!" Dustan told her, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"We wanted to keep Gary and Tara together, and since they're getting divorced now, he told Tara, and I had to tell you otherwise you'd probably hear it from Tara and then definitely wanna divorce me."
"Probably," Dustan agreed, "But I'm not going to."
"You have every right to!" Tarah told him.
"I know," Dustan kissed her neck, "But I love you too much, and we just got married!"
"Dustan, I love you!" Tarah hugged him, "Thanks for being so cool about this!"
"It's ok, as long as I can pretend that this twins are mine," Dustan said.
"Oh, they'll be yours," Tarah told him, "Forever."
Dustan and Tarah shared a long, slow kiss and went back out to their reception.
Meanwhile, Gary pulled up to the courthouse to get the divorce papers.  He sighed heavily before heading through the doors.
He grabbed the papers and left as soon as possible.  He drove towards Tara's mother's house. 

Gary went up to the door and knocked on it.
Tara answered the door.
"I got them," Gary handed them to her.
"Wow," Tara said, "I didn't think you would."
"You wanted me to.  I don't wanna upset you more," Gary told her.
"Well," Tara crossed her arms, "I guess that's a good idea."
"So, are you gonna sign them now.  Or do you want me to come back later?" Gary asked, trying to prevent an awkward silence.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET RID OF ME?" Tara yelled.  Britt was sitting by the window watching her parents.
"NO! TARA IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Gary grabbed her arm, "I just thought you would want me outta here!"
"WELL I DON'T!" Tara told him.
"Why do you want me outta your life then?"
"I don't!" Tara said, "I said all those things outta shock!"
"So do you want me to leave?" Gary asked, hopeful.
"NO!" Tara yelled, "I want you to stay RIGHT HERE!"
Gary opened his arms for a hug.
Tara ran into his arms and held him tight.
"I love you," Gary told her, "So, so much."
"I love you, too!" Tara let out a few tears.
Gary took her hand, "Wait, where's your wedding ring?"
"I put it somewhere after I got mad," Tara admitted.
"Where did you put it?" he asked.
"I'll go put it on inside," Tara laughed.
They walked inside, and Brooklyn clung to Gary's leg, "DADDY!"
"Hey baby girl!" he picked her up and went over to the couch where Brittany was sitting.
Tara went into the other room for a moment but came back out a minute later.
"I FOUND IT!" she ran to Gary, picked up Britt and sat her on her lap when she sat down.
"Found what?" Britt asked.
"My wedding ring!" Tara told her.
"Oooooooooh, shiny!" Britt took her mom's hand.
Gary laughed, "Very shiny!"
"Mommy, what's a wedding ring?" Brook asked.
"When daddy told mommy that he wanted to live with her forever, he gave me this ring, and when mommy told daddy i wanted to live with him forever, I gave him his ring!" Tarah tried to explain, they still looked confused.
"See," Gary held up his hand to reveal his ring.
"Why would you do that?" Britt asked.
"Because I love your mommy, and I wanted to live with her and love her forever, and have you guys!" Gary tried to explain.
"Exactly!" Tara agreed.
"But why do you need rings?" Brook asked.
"It's kind of a symbol," Tara told her, "To remind us of the person who gave it to us!"
Brittany was still full of questions.   
"Why did daddy go away today?" Britt asked.
"I didn't go away," Gary took her in his arms, "I just went to do something."
"But mommy said-" Britt started.
"I said daddy would be right back!" Tara interrupted.
"Noooooo," Britt said, "You said that we weren't gonna go back home, because daddy was there!"
"Oh, she did, did she?" Gary looked at Tara, sorta angry.
"It was right after you told me about Tarah," Tara apologized.
"Mommy, didn't mean it," Gary finally shrugged, "Daddy wasn't being nice to her."
"Why weren't you being nice to mommy?" Brook asked.
"It's big people stuff," Gary told her, "Nothing to be worried about though."

"When's mommy having her babies?" Brook asked.
"In a few months, baby girl," Tara told her.
Brook yawned.
"I think it's time for two little girls to go to sleep," Gary picked up his youngest daughter.
Britt ran upstairs with him and he put them to bed.
A month later, the CMA Awards were waiting to be handed out.  Rascal Flatts, had three nominations, Group of the Year, Album of the Year, and Entertainer of the Year.  Gary was still at home in Nashville, getting ready to head out to get Tarah, Dustan, Jay and Joe Don, to go get ready for the big night.  He was so nervous. 
He was in the bedroom, making sure he got everything, when Britt ran in and started jumping on his bed.
"BRITT!" Gary went up to her and grabbed her off the bed and hugged her.
"Where you going, Daddy?"
"Going to an awards show," he told her.
"Again?" Britt asked.
"Yes, again," Gary laughed.
"Are you gonna get anything?"
"Maybe," Gary said, "You'll get to see it when I get home though.
"When will you be home?"
"After you're in bed tonight," Gary set her down on the floor.
"Will we be able to see you?" Britt asked again.
"You will watch it with mommy on TV," Gary told her.  There was a honk from outside, "I'll see you later, Britt."
Gary bent over and kissed his little girl on the cheek.
He walked down the hall right into Brooklyn.
"Bye Brookie," Gary picked her up and hugged her, "I'll see you later."
"Bye Daddy!" Brooklyn hugged him back.
Gary handed her off to his wife and kissed his wife on the cheek.
"Now remember, to get to bed early," Gary told Brooklyn.
"How do you know I'm gonna be on TV?" Gary asked.
"Because you're on the 'mercials!" Brooklyn told him.
"BUSTED!" Tara laughed.
There was another honk.
Gary left the house and got into the limo with the rest of the gang.

Everyone was packed into one limo after they were all done getting made up and dressed up to go to the red carpet for interviews and press before the awards.
This is the most nerve wracking part!" Jay told Tarah.  This was her first time really being in the public eye besides some outings with the guys.
They arrived at the red carpet.
Gary stepped out first, followed by Jay, and then Joe Don.  Dustan got out and helped Tarah out. 
They started their long journey down the red carpet.
They stopped for interviews.  The first one, CMT Insider.
"Oh my, who do we have here?" the interviewer asked, "It's hot trio, Rascal Flatts!" she hugged them.
"How's it going?" Gary asked.
"The better question is, how's it going with you?"
"Well," Joe Don started, "We just got done with all of her wedding stuff."
He pointed at Tarah.
"And who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Tarah Vernon," Tarah said, "NOT to be confused with the other Tara Vernon, Gary's wife."
They all laughed.
"She's also the newest person signed to Lyric Street!" Gary announced.
"Wait," Jay said, "Back up there, mister."
"I signed yesterday, Jay," Tarah told him, "You missed our whole conversation last night because you were sleeping."
"Ohhhhhh, okay!" Jay said, "Welcome aboard!"
"Congratulations, Tarah!" the interviewer commented, "On both your new marriage and your new recording career."
"Thanks!" she said.
"Now when are the twins due?"
"February," Tarah said.
"And when is your wife having your twins?" the interviewer turned to Gary.
"In March," Gary answered.
"Is she back home with your other little kids?"
"Yeah, she decided to sit this one out.  Tarah only came because she has a performance today."
"Really?" Jay asked again.
"Yes, Jay.  Again, you missed soundcheck yesterday," Tarah told him.
"Ah," Jay looked at his feet.
"So we'll see you up on that stage?" the interviewer asked.
"Yeah, I guess you will," Tarah laughed.
"Any clues on the song you'll be singing?"
"It's one I wrote and I know I wanna cut it, the guys have heard it and want me to cut it.  It'll most likely be my first single," Tarah said.
"No title?"
"You'll have to wait and see!" Tarah laughed.
"That's the title?"
"No," Tarah said, "I meant that literally."
"Well, good luck tonight."
"Thank you."
"Now boys," the interviewer turned back to the guys, "Are you nervous about the Enterntainer of the Year nomination?"
"No, actually not!" Joe Don answered, "We're just thankful for the nomination, and just hope for the best!"
"I sorta hope we win something," Gary said, "Brittany's waiting for daddy to bring something home for her!"
Everyone laughed.
They all went inside, and Tarah got ready for her first job, to hand out the award for Group of the Year (hoping that Rascal Flatts would win it)
She went through hair, and then makeup.
"Here to present the next award," the announcer said, "Is the lovely Mrs. Tarah LeVox!"
Everyone clapped as she walked on stage.
"It takes a lot of work to be in a group with someone.  Staying friends is especially hard when you're around them all the time.  But these next groups have stuck it out and made it work, and put music out.  The nominees for Group of the Year are," Tarah began, then ran off the list of nominees, "Lonestar," she paused, "Rascal Flatts," she said with emphasis, picking favorites, "Little Big Town," she stopped and waited, "And Sugarland!" (yes, they're technically not a group, but the CMA still has them as one)
There was applause, and then a silence, anticipating the announcement of the winner.
"And the winner is..." Tarah opened the envelope.
"RASCAL FLATTS!" she tried not to scream. 
She saw the guys stand up and start heading up to the stage, by that time she lost it, she started jumping up and down and clapping. 
Gary got up to her and hugged her, "Calm down, Tarah!"
Jay hugged her, "Gosh!  What's the matter with you?  We just won!"
Joe Don was the last in the line, "You're funny!" is all he said.

They did their acceptance speech, thanking their wives, and producers, and other people, including Tarah.  They walked on back, and Tarah got ready for her first performance.
"Here's the newest member of country music!" the announcer said, "Mrs. Tarah Vernon!"
The curtains rose and the music started, Tarah had written that music when she was 16 years old. The title of the song was 'You'll Always Be My Baby' (which is a Sara Evans song, i know)
She sang it, and the audience loved it at the end.
Rascal Flatts got all 3 awards they were nominated for. 
A few months later, Tarah and Tara both had twins two days apart.
Tarah had a boy and a girl, named Josephine and Oliver.
Tara had two boys, Benjamin and Nicholas.

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