Full Name-Stanley Wayne Demarcus
Birthday-April 26,1971
Martial Status-Married Allison Alderson on May 15th, 2004
Family-Parents-Wayne and Caron and sister-Tiffany
Pets-Golden Retriver-Abby
Weight-180 pounds
Hair Color-Brown
Eye Color-Blue
Collection-watches and war books (history buff)
Never leaves home without-His cell phone
Instruments played-piano,bass,drums,guitars
Pre-Performance Ritual-i burn incense and do an anicient music chant
Favorite Singers-Marty Raybon,George Jones,Merle Haggard
Favorite Actors-Tom Hanks
Favorite Actresses-Meg Ryan
Favorite Movie-Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Book-Citizen Solider by Steven Amborse
Favorite Food-Pizza
Least Favorite Food-Crawfish
Favorite Snack-Doritos,Reeses Pieces,M&M's
Favorite Ice Cream-Vanilla
Favorite Drink-Coke
One thing I cook Great -Lasagna
Favorite Restaurant-Ameriso's Italian
Favorite Color-Black and Royal Blue
Favorite Shoe-Nike Air
Favorite Place-My house
Favorite Sport-Football
If I only Had $20 left I would spend it on-A Rascal Flatts CD
Pet Peeve-People talking on their cell phon when you are trying to talk to them
Goals-I want to produce records and help others get a shot like Mila Mason helped
Country Song that best describe my current romantic status-Goodbye Says It All